Last week, Cebo Holland B.V.'s Sales Engineers, Marcel Bijleveld and Eric van de Vlis, visited their client Østergaard A/S in Vejle, Denmark, for a specialized training session at a drilling site.

This session marked a new initiative for Østergaard, as it was the first time such a setup was organized instead of the usual annual training, making it a significant event.



At the site, three drilling rigs were set up on a hill in a large field. The drilling teams began by using lasers to determine elevation, which was critical for mapping the entry and exit points. Intermediate pits were dug to check the height of the drill line, which had to be precisely 2.01 meters. Eric collected samples of the drilling fluid from these pits to analyze the weight and sand content, helping the drill operators optimize their fluid mixtures.



Marcel conducted an interactive training session in a large tent, where customers had the opportunity to ask questions about the drilling operations. The drilling teams rotated every four hours. In addition to Marcel's training, Østergaard gave presentations on laser measurements and geological surveys.


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Eric prepared three types of bentonite (OCMA, TGM, and TGP) with a viscosity of approximately 60-65 seconds, both with and without polymers. Although the soil survey indicated a mix of sand and clay layers, the actual soil at the site turned out to be predominantly clay. This presented a challenge for the drill operators to adjust their fluid compositions, but Eric provided support by helping them mix and test the fluids.


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The visit by the Sales Engineers proved to be a valuable experience, strengthening the collaboration between Cebo Holland B.V. and Østergaard A/S. Cebo Holland B.V. looks forward to future joint projects and training sessions.


