Last week, several employees from the Water Safety and Roads department of the Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier attended a training session at Cebo Holland.

During this training, led by Marcel Bijlenveld, there was an in-depth focus on drilling fluids and the different types of Drill-Grout. Many questions were raised about the proper use of bentonite and the sealing of water crossings, a crucial aspect for the safety and stability of dikes.

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The advisors from the Hoogheemraadschap Noorderkwartier were particularly interested in the NanoDrill technique, which uses drilling fluid. In this refined technique, using a hardening drilling fluid while pulling in the product pipe is not advisable. Marcel also covered various important topics for the client, such as the use of hardening drilling fluids, filling lines in rising sections, and preventing seepage with a clay box and seepage screen or using grout. Additionally, they discussed methods for injecting to stop leaks and filling annular spaces in bundle drillings, as well as the suitable chloride content of groundwater and make-up water, including the addition of additives and polymers.


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The session also covered the application of weighted drilling fluids, such as on a terp or dyke, in situations with high hydraulic head from water-bearing layers. The course discussed the mixing ratio of hardening drilling fluid, including setting time and ambient temperature, and the differences between types of grout or dämmer. Attention was given to the use of Drill-Grout, addressing concerns about wear, cleaning, and flushing equipment. Finally, various execution techniques were considered, such as boogzinkers and NanoDrill, and which technique is preferred in or near water barriers, combined with the use of drilling fluids.

After the training, participants were given a tour of the bunker where Cebo Holland's factory is located. The participants were very satisfied with the extensive knowledge and practical insights they gained. If you're interested in a custom training session, feel free to contact Cebo Holland. 


